Tengerdi Vinery
Wine shop
The Tengerdi family deals not only with gastronomy and catering, but also has history with vine growing and wine making. The wines of the winery were evaluated with gold and silver grades for several years, and the wines of the vineyards are grown only in 5-10 km radius of the hotel. The wines won “the best wine of the vineyards”, “wine of the hunters” and many other awards.
The company’s wines can be purchased almost exclusively in Viktor Wine & Guesthouse, Fröccsterasz and Strandgrill Erika.
The wines can be tasted at the Viktor Wine and Guest House’s wine cellar.
The wines can be picked up in 0.75 liter bottles, picked up in a decorative package or only with 0.75 liter bottle and 1.5 liters of bottles can be bought at discount prices.
Management members are certified mariners and one of them has sommelier qualifications.